From beginner to advanced
Biblioteca de Prompts
+30 Classes
Certificate of completion
Practical classes
Community and Support
Your creative process will never be the same again
Agility, precision, and innovation. Learn to use Artificial Intelligence to enhance your creative repertoire and develop above-average projects. Stay one step ahead of change and be a reference in the market.
What are you going to learn
More than 30 classes on the main AI creation tools and the step-by-step process to enter and stand out in this market.
Brands that trust our work:
Transform your career with AI
Learn the step-by-step process to capture your first clients and deliver exceptional results.

Discover the main AI tools and learn how to start using them.

Learn how and where to find truly authentic creative references.

Learn how to structure a professional and assertive prompt for different types of projects.

Develop refinement and post-production techniques to achieve flawless results.

Learn how to professionally attract your first clients.
What are you going to learn
More than 30 classes on the main AI creation tools and the step-by-step process to enter and stand out in this market.
Module 1 | SET UP
First Steps
Introduction to the universe of Artificial Intelligence and basic notions about the tools and techniques that will serve as the foundation for the entire course.
Learn about the software we will use in the course

Module 2 | PREPARE
Inspiration and Creative Vision
Build a repertoire with good references to shape your creative vision and learn how to use it to create projects that stand out from the average.
How to create a moodboard
Where to find authentic creative references

Module 3 | Midjourney BASICS
Everything you need to know about Midjourney Alpha, the leading Generative Artificial Intelligence tool on the market.
Meet Midjourney Alpha
Técnicas em geração de imagens
Customizando Imagens com Dall-E
Practical applications for digital art

Module 4 | CREATE
Creative Process
Dive into the universe of the creative process, discover our workflow in practice, and learn the step-by-step to transform ideas into impactful images.
Get to know our Workflow — from briefing to final delivery
How to structure a professional prompt
Photoshoot: how to generate different images with the same model
Fashion Photography Prompt
How to negate your prompt
Como Negativar seu Prompt
Como Criar Ensaio da mesma Modelo em Diferentes Poses
Discover our Prompt Library
Apresentação e Acesso a Biblioteca de Prompts

Module 5 | MAKE IT SHINE
Hyper-realistic images
Elevate the quality of your images to meet large projects efficiently and professionally.
How to resize your images
How to increase the resolution of your images
How to edit light and shadow using Photoshop

Module 6 | ACTION
Knowledge in practice
Time to apply everything you learned in the course and consolidate this new knowledge in projects that simulate real cases and clients.
The Ordinary Project - Product Still
New Balance Project - Fashion Shooting
Skol Project - Product Shooting
Netflix Project - Campaign Shooting
Project VIVO - Lifestyle Shooting
Projeto Skol - Product Shooting - 2 Aulas

Módulo 7 | FIREFLY
Adobe Firefly
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o Firefly, a ferramenta de Inteligência Artificial Generativa da Adobe.
Introdução ao Módulo
Prática - Crie Imagens a partir de Vetores
Prática - Adicione Texturas em Letterings
Prática - Crie Logos com Textura

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank
Behind the case: Ypê
Mockups para Restaurante

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank
Behind the case: Ypê

Try it for free for 7 days
We guarantee that this course will transform your career in the creative market, but if you enroll and within 7 days feel that this content is not for you, just send us an email and we will refund your investment.

Try it for free for 7 days
We guarantee that this course will transform your career in the creative market, but if you enroll and within 7 days feel that this content is not for you, just send us an email and we will refund your investment.
Who is the course for?
From beginner to advanced. The course covers all aspects of creating commercial images with AI, so any professional, regardless of their level of knowledge, can learn to use this technology.
Designers, Art Directors
Social media
Photographers and Videomakers
Meet the teachers
Our team is made up of professionals with years of experience in the creative market, who already serve great brands and will show the step-by-step of creating these cases.

PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.

Fernando Blum
PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.

Adrian Svirbul
PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.
Confira os feedbacks de quem já conhece nosso
conteúdo e confia no nosso método de ensino
prático, completo e direto ao ponto.

Massa. Realmente a aula foi bastante prática e isso eu gostei bastante sem enrolar, direta.

Achei esclarecedor, curti demais!

Eu amei! Foi direto ao ponto sem enrolação. 🫶🏼

Eu amei! Que didática, impressionou!

Eu adorei a aula. Achei didática, mas bem objetiva e prática. Gostei muito.

Conteúdo bem organizado e produzido. Depois de ver o curso consegui produzir imagens com muita qualidade e agilidade. 🚀

Bom dia, conteúdo de vocês é animal, além de entregar muito, consegue entregar com uma qualidade de design absurdo. Parabéns, ansioso pelo curso de vocês.

Fiquei animada para saber mais, já me ajudou muito!

um curso completo! além do ótimo conteúdo de comprosição, tem mt material pra poder estruturar um bom portfólio e vender os projetos, não faltou carinho ao compartilhar todo esse conhecimento 👏🏽👏🏽

Sensacional, muito bom o conteúdo de vocês 👏🏼

Fantástico ❤️❤️❤️

Incrível! Em poucos minutos já estava criando imagens que nunca pensei q conseguiria

Perfeito 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

O mais precioso são as dicas de quem tem mta bagagem pra compartilhar, só fera!!
Todo mês, novas aulas e conteúdos relevantes serão adicionados ao curso pra que você esteja sempre atualizado com o que há de mais recente no mercado. Sua inscrição garante acesso ao curso completo que já está pronto + todas as aulas novas que subirmos na plataforma!

Acesso Grátis a nossa Biblioteca de Prompts
Um banco de referências completo em imagem e texto para te ajudar a formular um prompt profissional e chegar ao resultado que você espera.
Um banco de referências completo em imagem e texto para te ajudar a formular um prompt profissional e chegar ao resultado que você espera.
Um banco de referências completo em imagem e texto para te ajudar a formular um prompt profissional e chegar ao resultado que você espera.
Join the professionals who are already shaping the future of the creative market.
You will learn practically with professionals who already work in the field and develop the most desired skill by brands and companies today. Elevate your creative potential, differentiate yourself in the market, and create new business opportunities.
R$ 1.079,00
ou R$ 897,00 à vista
Domine a IA generativa com todos os recursos e mentoria especializada.
30 practical lessons for creating commercial images with AI
Exclusive content about real market cases
Extra resource: Prompt Library
1 year to watch as many times as you want
7 days of warranty
Acesso Exclusivo à nossa Comunidade AI Creators

Frequently Asked Questions
I am a beginner, can I sign up?
When can I start the course?
Is access to the course lifetime long?
What equipment do I need to take the course?
Quais ferramentas vocês ensinam a usar?
Tem certificado?
Ficou com
alguma dúvida?
Ficou com
alguma dúvida?
Fale agora mesmo com o nosso time de especialistas
pelo Whatsapp, e tenha acesso a uma Aula 100% Gratuita.

AI Creator masterclass
Master the AI tools for creating commercial images and be part of the transformation of the creative market.
Explore the course

From beginner to advanced
Biblioteca de Prompts
+30 Classes
Certificate of completion
Practical classes
Community and Support
Your creative process will never be the same again
Agility, precision, and innovation. Learn to use Artificial Intelligence to enhance your creative repertoire and develop above-average projects. Stay one step ahead of change and be a reference in the market.
What are you going to learn
More than 30 classes on the main AI creation tools and the step-by-step process to enter and stand out in this market.
Brands that trust our work:
Transform your career with AI
Learn the step-by-step process to capture your first clients and deliver exceptional results.

Discover the main AI tools and learn how to start using them.

Learn how and where to find truly authentic creative references.

Learn how to structure a professional and assertive prompt for different types of projects.

Develop refinement and post-production techniques to achieve flawless results.

Learn how to professionally attract your first clients.
What are you going to learn
More than 30 classes on the main AI creation tools and the step-by-step process to enter and stand out in this market.
Module 1 | SET UP
First Steps
Introduction to the universe of Artificial Intelligence and basic notions about the tools and techniques that will serve as the foundation for the entire course.
Learn about the software we will use in the course

Module 2 | PREPARE
Inspiration and Creative Vision
Build a repertoire with good references to shape your creative vision and learn how to use it to create projects that stand out from the average.
How to create a moodboard
Where to find authentic creative references

Module 3 | Midjourney BASICS
Everything you need to know about Midjourney Alpha, the leading Generative Artificial Intelligence tool on the market.
Meet Midjourney Alpha
Técnicas em geração de imagens
Customizando Imagens com Dall-E
Practical applications for digital art

Module 4 | CREATE
Creative Process
Dive into the universe of the creative process, discover our workflow in practice, and learn the step-by-step to transform ideas into impactful images.
Get to know our Workflow — from briefing to final delivery
How to structure a professional prompt
Photoshoot: how to generate different images with the same model
Fashion Photography Prompt
How to negate your prompt
Como Negativar seu Prompt
Como Criar Ensaio da mesma Modelo em Diferentes Poses
Discover our Prompt Library
Apresentação e Acesso a Biblioteca de Prompts

Module 5 | MAKE IT SHINE
Hyper-realistic images
Elevate the quality of your images to meet large projects efficiently and professionally.
How to resize your images
How to increase the resolution of your images
How to edit light and shadow using Photoshop

Module 6 | ACTION
Knowledge in practice
Time to apply everything you learned in the course and consolidate this new knowledge in projects that simulate real cases and clients.
The Ordinary Project - Product Still
New Balance Project - Fashion Shooting
Skol Project - Product Shooting
Netflix Project - Campaign Shooting
Project VIVO - Lifestyle Shooting
Projeto Skol - Product Shooting - 2 Aulas

Módulo 7 | FIREFLY
Adobe Firefly
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o Firefly, a ferramenta de Inteligência Artificial Generativa da Adobe.
Introdução ao Módulo
Prática - Crie Imagens a partir de Vetores
Prática - Adicione Texturas em Letterings
Prática - Crie Logos com Textura

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank
Behind the case: Ypê
Mockups para Restaurante

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank
Behind the case: Ypê

Try it for free for 7 days
We guarantee that this course will transform your career in the creative market, but if you enroll and within 7 days feel that this content is not for you, just send us an email and we will refund your investment.

Try it for free for 7 days
We guarantee that this course will transform your career in the creative market, but if you enroll and within 7 days feel that this content is not for you, just send us an email and we will refund your investment.
Who is the course for?
From beginner to advanced. The course covers all aspects of creating commercial images with AI, so any professional, regardless of their level of knowledge, can learn to use this technology.
Designers, Art Directors
Social media
Photographers and Videomakers
Meet the teachers
Our team is made up of professionals with years of experience in the creative market, who already serve great brands and will show the step-by-step of creating these cases.

PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.

Fernando Blum
PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.

Adrian Svirbul
PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.
Confira os feedbacks de quem já conhece nosso
conteúdo e confia no nosso método de ensino
prático, completo e direto ao ponto.

Massa. Realmente a aula foi bastante prática e isso eu gostei bastante sem enrolar, direta.

Achei esclarecedor, curti demais!

Eu amei! Foi direto ao ponto sem enrolação. 🫶🏼

Eu amei! Que didática, impressionou!

Eu adorei a aula. Achei didática, mas bem objetiva e prática. Gostei muito.

Conteúdo bem organizado e produzido. Depois de ver o curso consegui produzir imagens com muita qualidade e agilidade. 🚀

Bom dia, conteúdo de vocês é animal, além de entregar muito, consegue entregar com uma qualidade de design absurdo. Parabéns, ansioso pelo curso de vocês.

Fiquei animada para saber mais, já me ajudou muito!

um curso completo! além do ótimo conteúdo de comprosição, tem mt material pra poder estruturar um bom portfólio e vender os projetos, não faltou carinho ao compartilhar todo esse conhecimento 👏🏽👏🏽

Sensacional, muito bom o conteúdo de vocês 👏🏼

Fantástico ❤️❤️❤️

Incrível! Em poucos minutos já estava criando imagens que nunca pensei q conseguiria

Perfeito 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

O mais precioso são as dicas de quem tem mta bagagem pra compartilhar, só fera!!
Todo mês, novas aulas e conteúdos relevantes serão adicionados ao curso pra que você esteja sempre atualizado com o que há de mais recente no mercado. Sua inscrição garante acesso ao curso completo que já está pronto + todas as aulas novas que subirmos na plataforma!

Acesso Grátis a nossa Biblioteca de Prompts
Um banco de referências completo em imagem e texto para te ajudar a formular um prompt profissional e chegar ao resultado que você espera.
Join the professionals who are already shaping the future of the creative market.
You will learn practically with professionals who already work in the field and develop the most desired skill by brands and companies today. Elevate your creative potential, differentiate yourself in the market, and create new business opportunities.
R$ 1.079,00
ou R$ 897,00 à vista
Domine a IA generativa com todos os recursos e mentoria especializada.
30 practical lessons for creating commercial images with AI
Exclusive content about real market cases
Extra resource: Prompt Library
1 year to watch as many times as you want
7 days of warranty
Acesso Exclusivo à nossa Comunidade AI Creators

Frequently Asked Questions
I am a beginner, can I sign up?
When can I start the course?
Is access to the course lifetime long?
What equipment do I need to take the course?
Quais ferramentas vocês ensinam a usar?
Tem certificado?
Ficou com
alguma dúvida?
Fale agora mesmo com o nosso time de especialistas
pelo Whatsapp, e tenha acesso a uma Aula 100% Gratuita.
Faça parte da revolução criativa.
Explore the course

AI Creator masterclass
Master the AI tools for creating commercial images and be part of the transformation of the creative market.
Explore the course

From beginner to advanced
Biblioteca de Prompts
+30 Classes
Certificate of completion
Practical classes
Community and Support
Your creative process will never be the same again
Agility, precision, and innovation. Learn to use Artificial Intelligence to enhance your creative repertoire and develop above-average projects. Stay one step ahead of change and be a reference in the market.
What are you going to learn
More than 30 classes on the main AI creation tools and the step-by-step process to enter and stand out in this market.
Brands that trust our work:
Transform your career with AI
Learn the step-by-step process to capture your first clients and deliver exceptional results.

Discover the main AI tools and learn how to start using them.

Learn how and where to find truly authentic creative references.

Learn how to structure a professional and assertive prompt for different types of projects.

Develop refinement and post-production techniques to achieve flawless results.

Learn how to professionally attract your first clients.
What are you going to learn
More than 30 classes on the main AI creation tools and the step-by-step process to enter and stand out in this market.
Module 1 | SET UP
First Steps
Introduction to the universe of Artificial Intelligence and basic notions about the tools and techniques that will serve as the foundation for the entire course.
Learn about the software we will use in the course

Module 2 | PREPARE
Inspiration and Creative Vision
Build a repertoire with good references to shape your creative vision and learn how to use it to create projects that stand out from the average.
How to create a moodboard
Where to find authentic creative references

Module 3 | Midjourney BASICS
Everything you need to know about Midjourney Alpha, the leading Generative Artificial Intelligence tool on the market.
Meet Midjourney Alpha
Técnicas em geração de imagens
Customizando Imagens com Dall-E
Practical applications for digital art

Module 4 | CREATE
Creative Process
Dive into the universe of the creative process, discover our workflow in practice, and learn the step-by-step to transform ideas into impactful images.
Get to know our Workflow — from briefing to final delivery
How to structure a professional prompt
Photoshoot: how to generate different images with the same model
Fashion Photography Prompt
How to negate your prompt
Como Negativar seu Prompt
Como Criar Ensaio da mesma Modelo em Diferentes Poses
Discover our Prompt Library
Apresentação e Acesso a Biblioteca de Prompts

Module 5 | MAKE IT SHINE
Hyper-realistic images
Elevate the quality of your images to meet large projects efficiently and professionally.
How to resize your images
How to increase the resolution of your images
How to edit light and shadow using Photoshop

Module 6 | ACTION
Knowledge in practice
Time to apply everything you learned in the course and consolidate this new knowledge in projects that simulate real cases and clients.
The Ordinary Project - Product Still
New Balance Project - Fashion Shooting
Skol Project - Product Shooting
Netflix Project - Campaign Shooting
Project VIVO - Lifestyle Shooting
Projeto Skol - Product Shooting - 2 Aulas

Módulo 7 | FIREFLY
Adobe Firefly
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o Firefly, a ferramenta de Inteligência Artificial Generativa da Adobe.
Introdução ao Módulo
Prática - Crie Imagens a partir de Vetores
Prática - Adicione Texturas em Letterings
Prática - Crie Logos com Textura

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank
Behind the case: Ypê
Mockups para Restaurante

Bonus classes
Preparing for the market is never too much. Discover some valuable insights and practical techniques to complement your learning.
How we present Human Studio to our clients, from prospecting to the workflow
How to easily create product mockups
Chat GPT + Midjourney
Behind the case: Will Bank
Behind the case: Ypê

Try it for free for 7 days
We guarantee that this course will transform your career in the creative market, but if you enroll and within 7 days feel that this content is not for you, just send us an email and we will refund your investment.

Try it for free for 7 days
We guarantee that this course will transform your career in the creative market, but if you enroll and within 7 days feel that this content is not for you, just send us an email and we will refund your investment.
Who is the course for?
From beginner to advanced. The course covers all aspects of creating commercial images with AI, so any professional, regardless of their level of knowledge, can learn to use this technology.
Designers, Art Directors
Social media
Photographers and Videomakers
Meet the teachers
Our team is made up of professionals with years of experience in the creative market, who already serve great brands and will show the step-by-step of creating these cases.

PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.

Fernando Blum
PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.

Adrian Svirbul
PhD in Computer Science, AI Researcher, and Educator
Dr. Alex Rivera, um renomado pesquisador e educador em IA, passou mais de dez anos avançando a tecnologia de IA generativa. Seu método desmistifica ideias complexas de IA, permitindo que os alunos inovem e se destaquem na era digital.
Confira os feedbacks de quem já conhece nosso conteúdo e confia no nosso método de ensino prático, completo e direto ao ponto.

Massa. Realmente a aula foi bastante prática e isso eu gostei bastante sem enrolar, direta.

Achei esclarecedor, curti demais!

Eu amei! Foi direto ao ponto sem enrolação. 🫶🏼

Eu amei! Que didática, impressionou!

Eu adorei a aula. Achei didática, mas bem objetiva e prática. Gostei muito.

Conteúdo bem organizado e produzido. Depois de ver o curso consegui produzir imagens com muita qualidade e agilidade. 🚀

Bom dia, conteúdo de vocês é animal, além de entregar muito, consegue entregar com uma qualidade de design absurdo. Parabéns, ansioso pelo curso de vocês.

Fiquei animada para saber mais, já me ajudou muito!

um curso completo! além do ótimo conteúdo de comprosição, tem mt material pra poder estruturar um bom portfólio e vender os projetos, não faltou carinho ao compartilhar todo esse conhecimento 👏🏽👏🏽

Sensacional, muito bom o conteúdo de vocês 👏🏼

Fantástico ❤️❤️❤️

Incrível! Em poucos minutos já estava criando imagens que nunca pensei q conseguiria

Perfeito 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

O mais precioso são as dicas de quem tem mta bagagem pra compartilhar, só fera!!
Todo mês, novas aulas e conteúdos relevantes serão adicionados ao curso pra que você esteja sempre atualizado com o que há de mais recente no mercado. Sua inscrição garante acesso ao curso completo que já está pronto + todas as aulas novas que subirmos na plataforma!

Acesso Grátis a nossa Biblioteca de Prompts
Um banco de referências completo em imagem e texto para te ajudar a formular um prompt profissional e chegar ao resultado que você espera.
Join the professionals who are already shaping the future of the creative market.
You will learn practically with professionals who already work in the field and develop the most desired skill by brands and companies today. Elevate your creative potential, differentiate yourself in the market, and create new business opportunities.
R$ 1.079,00
ou R$ 897,00 à vista
Domine a IA generativa com todos os recursos e mentoria especializada.
30 practical lessons for creating commercial images with AI
Exclusive content about real market cases
Extra resource: Prompt Library
1 year to watch as many times as you want
7 days of warranty
Acesso Exclusivo à nossa Comunidade AI Creators

Frequently Asked Questions
I am a beginner, can I sign up?
When can I start the course?
Is access to the course lifetime long?
What equipment do I need to take the course?
Quais ferramentas vocês ensinam a usar?
Tem certificado?
Ficou com
alguma dúvida?
Fale agora mesmo com o nosso
time de especialistas, e tenha
acesso a uma Aula 100% Gratuita.
Faça parte da revolução criativa.
Explore the course